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UPCOMING EVENTSAdd our upcoming events to your Google Calendar!
Click Here Pharmacists and the Roe V. Wade Reversal - Monday, April 17 @ 7-8 PM in room PH-247 Eboard Application due Wednesday, April 19 @ 11:59 PM Elections - Monday, April 24 at 7:00 PM Honeygrow Fundraiser - Tuesday, April 25 |
We are proud to announce that Rutgers NCPA received
two awards at the annual NCPA Awards Ceremony!
The awards are:
- Most Improved Chapter
- Top Ten in Business Plan Competition 🏆
- Most Improved Chapter
- Top Ten in Business Plan Competition 🏆
We are so glad to have the hard work of our members recognized on a national level.
Congrats to all who were involved!
Congrats to all who were involved!
*Rutgers can be heard for Most Improved Chapter at 15:30 and top 10 for Business Plan Competition at 18:57!
The purpose of the Student Chapter is to provide a forum for pharmacy students to learn about and support the mission and objectives of NCPA, including the many career opportunities available in independent pharmacy practice through an affiliation with NCPA.